Makers Sessions – Spring Edition

Makershuis Tilburg X DansBrabant

On 30 May, the second spring edition of the Makers Sessions will take place at DansBrabant! Wander along through Club SoDa, the dance studios or who knows, along the storage or car park, in search of the latest work by young makers. As always, under the guidance of our trusted host Glenn Markesteijn.

During this evening, Annemijn Rijk, Jody Geisendorfer, Jija Sohn, Evangelos Biskas, Karolien Wauters and Nathan Glaister, among others, will show work ranging from research and experimentation to work-in-progress and try-out, accompanied by fascinating talks and Q&As.

<<< Annemijn Rijk – Studies for Yellow Horizon >>>
“What is a drop today will be a river tomorrow. What was once a fish becomes a mammal. Man was created from the animal and will return to dust. So when everything decays, everything will be ‘nothing’.” – Patricia de MartelaereIn this work, choreographer and philosopher Annemijn Rijk and dancer Noemi Calzavara share a “killed darling,” a scene that did not make it into the final version of a performance but has strong will to live in it.

<<< Jija Sohn – Abstract Intimacy >>>
Jija Sohn is happy to invite you for a quick but deep artistic treatment session.
It is a one-to-one 15-minute session to explore sensory body experiences such as warmth, touch and sound. Through playful stimulation, you will hopefully reach a state between creative opening and moving imagination. Practical: wear comfortable warm clothes.

<<< Jody Geijsendorpher – Fight or Flight >>>
Jody Geijsendorpher, director, screenwriter and choreographer, invites you to dive into the world of her debut short film ‘Fight or Flight’. A film about social anxiety, tyranny and totalitarianism set in a dystopian world where visual art meets dance. The film tells the story of an MMA fighter number 362 who is just a few steps away from the ring when his social anxiety disorder takes over.

Jody Geijsendorpher – Fight or Flight

<<< Karolien Wauters & Inonge Jante Stekelenburg – ONGEHOORD >>>
Perfomers/choreographers Karolien and Inonge dive into the world of sign language, its misinterpretation, surprise, humour and confrontation. Do you recognise some gestures? What do you do in a situation where you cannot hear anything? And how can you make yourself understood?

<<< Nathan Glaister – Bila >>>
Circus artist Nathan Glaister (ES) combines dance, acrobatics and clowning to portray a universe that celebrates human imperfection. He exploits the idiosyncrasies of our bodies and embraces flaws as creative possibilities, light-heartedly questioning the society that surrounds us. “Bila” is a little journey full of failures, mistakes and beautiful imperfection.

<<< Evangelos Biskas – Dancing Drums >>>
‘Dancing Drums’ is an improvisational dialogue between dancer Evangelos Biskas and drummer Pascal Vermeer. The here and now is the starting point from which movement, sound and the interaction between the two unfolds. Based on their intuition the performers discover motives and patterns of expression that appear surprisingly, as they deal with the state of not knowing.

Thursday, 30 May 2024 – 19:30h – 22:00h
Location: DansBrabant, Goudenregenstraat 15-06 15-07, Tilburg
Entrance: Pay What You Want
Book your spot HERE