Sunken Works

Voortbordurend op het eerdere onderzoek naar Human Zoos en het zwarte vrouwenlichaam, werkt Ghaliah Conroy samen met beeldend kunstenaar CJ P.Roxas aan een verkenning van de manier waarop deze publieke vertoningen onze relatie en perceptie van zwarte lichamen door de jaren heen hebben beïnvloed.

On display
La ‘danse sauvage’
Caricatures with the mask slowly fading…
comes with the ability to morph and shapeshift…
What happens when you throw off the constraints?

Ghaliah Conroy is an emerging dance maker/performer born in Dublin. She comes from a family of artists and has a background in dance, music and theater that influences her work and creative process. Half Irish and half French Guyanese, she grew up with two drastically different cultures, which has given her a unique perspective that has truly shaped who she is as a maker. As a woman of diverse ethnic backgrounds in the contemporary dance world, she is strongly inspired by social and political issues and believes it is important to create work that represents different people.

During the Open Club evening on October 20, Ghaliah will give an insight into her research. We cordially invite you to attend.

Date: 20 oktober
17.00 – inloop met soep / walk-in with soup
18.00 – show & tell. Bar open after sharing
20.00 – eind van de avond / end of the evening

Location: DansBrabant, Goudenregenstraat 15-06 15-07, Tilburg
Income & soup: Pay What You Want

Letting us know you’re coming can be done via DEZE LINK