Motus Sonus - photo Nas Hosen
Motus Sonus - photo Nas Hosen

So You Think You Know Dance

By Alesya Dobysh, Anthony van Gog en Charlotte Goesaert

DansBrabant likes to tug and tinker with the boundaries of dance.
On an irregular basis, they therefore put together evenings focusing on the stretchable, vulnerable body. Wander past all kinds of programme elements and decide where you want to linger and where you want to return to experience again.

On Saturday, May 11, 2024, the very first episode of So You Think You Know Dance takes place in cooperation with and at the Verkadefabriek in Den Bosch.

On show were:

Charlotte Goesaert - Whatchamacallit
A performance-exhibition show inspired by the 19th century freak show, in which four actors deploy their bodies as objects of art, objects of play, objects of power and objects of lust.

Anthony van Gog - crowdkill
A performance for one performer and four subwoofers. The intense bass, together with a soundscape of instrumental melodies, ambient sounds and live body sounds, builds a space where nothing is certain any more. What happens when the performer's body, as well as that of the spectator, no longer has any landmarks and can no longer hold onto anything? At set times, you can enter the arena with subwoofers yourself and experience the impact of the sound first-hand.

Alesya Dobysh and Max Frimout - Motus Sonus
A play between movement, sound and space. The sounds of the dancer on a small wooden stage, equipped with contact microphones, form the input for a composition made on the spot. Conversely, the composition also influences the choreography. In between, you also get to try out the floor yourself!

Wessel Verrijt - How to Become a Mountain
With his work, visual artist Wessel Verrijt explores in different ways how object, matter, body and movement can intertwine. Wessel works with material he collects, finds and reuses along the way. During So You Think... he will show his latest film and objects.

Dance film programme - by Andreas Hannes
Andreas Hannes is a choreographer and programmer at Cinedans, international platform for dance film. Andreas' work is characterised by a predilection for everyday movement patterns. For this evening, Andreas put together a special film programme with dance films starring everyday action. The following films were on show: SCHLUSS, UNTIL, KEEPING BALANCE, SLOW, THE GIRL CHEWING GUM

And if you do lose your way in all this stretching of boundaries, two dance counsellors are available in the café to scrutinise the experience together. Was this dance, or was it something else entirely?

???? 11 May 20:15h
???? Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch
????️ Tickets via THIS LINK

This is a caption

???? 11 May 20:15h
???? Verkadefabriek, Den Bosch
????️ Tickets

Credits Whatchamacallit

Choreography: Charlotte Goesaert | Dance: Andreia Rodrigues, François Vincent, Véronique Mees, Jef Stevens | Dramaturgy: Sara Vanderieck & Sarah Joos | Sound and video composition: Jochem Baelus

Credits crowdkill

Concept: Anthony van Gog | Performer: Evangelos Biskas | Sound artist: Boris de Klerk | Lighting design: Erik van de Wijdeven

Credits Motus Sonus

Concept: Alesya Dobysh & Max Feimout. Performance: Simon Bus & Max Frimout

Credits How to Become a Mountain

Concept and images: Wessel Verrijt | Performers: Luz Mercedes, Nina Lila Vero Veloo, Sofía Murillo Lommers


SCHLUSS - Director Annick Vroom (Netherlands, 2001). UNTIL - Director & choreographer Tanin Torabi (Iran, 2023). KEEPING BALANCE - Director Bernhard Wenger (Austria, 2015). SLOW - Director & choreographer Karel Van Laere (Taiwan/Netherlands, 2013). THE GIRL CHEWING GUM - Director John Smith (England, 1976).