Moving Media Lab

Moving Media Lab is a place for creatives within the arts, design and science who are interested in the relationship between new technologies, movement and the body. The ambition is to gather and exchange knowledge from different segments to create innovative research and interdisciplinary working practices.

Moving Media Lab was initiated in 2023 by Cinedans, as producer, and is supported by the Fonds voor de Creatieve Industrie, Het Cultuurfonds and Cinedans. Moving Media Lab's Partners are DansBrabant Tilburg, Design Academy Eindhoven, Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam, Nederlandse Dansdagen Maastricht, Korzo The Hague and VRDays / Immersive Tech Week Rotterdam.

During the Lab, creators will travel throughout the Netherlands for a week, each time hosted by a different partner. Part of the week is dedicated to gaining new tools and knowledge together through various workshops, master classes and lectures by experts in the field, and the rest of the time is reserved for each group to integrate the newly acquired knowledge and focus on their joint investigations.

More info

Read more about Moving Media Lab 2023-2025


Read more about the selected creators

MML makers