Being There – Dansjacht

How do we look at our environment and move ourselves within it? This topical question will take centre stage during DANSJACHT, festive culmination of Being There. Being There is the name of the recurring project with which Tilburg Dance City annually investigates the moving body in public space. Choreographers and dancers travel into the city; streets, squares and parks become their working terrain. In previous years, they have moved through the city centre and Theresia residential area and are now heading towards Piushaven.

After a good year (2020) in which our freedom of movement was restricted, we now keep our distance from each other in the public space as a matter of course. During DANSJACHT, on 17 October 2021, we will move outside with an exciting selection of local and national dance talent to re-relate ourselves to the environment and each other. With professional and amateur dance, urban, circus and contemporary, we will show that this public space can once again become a place of freedom, imagination and encounter.

Watch 11 pop-up performances right across Piushaven in which, while dancing, port and city are recaptured and reembodied and animated.From subdued choreography for the hands to exuberant urban, from dancing feather woman in a boat to hopping on decking.

On Sunday afternoon, 17 October, between 12 and 4pm, go on your own tour of the port and be surprised by the many, varied and ongoing performances. The majority of these performances will continue throughout the afternoon, with a few showing several times at fixed start times.

Featuring pop-up performances by: The100Hands, Andreas Hannes, Chilton Galimo, Celine Werkhoven, Jade van den Hout powered by DansBrabant, Jordy Dik, MoOv, Nick Deroo, Nina Wijnmaalen, TeaTime Company powered by Circolo & Vloeistof.

DANSJACHT could not go ahead in 2020 because of the pandemic, but this October we will be there with a powerful new version.