The show STRANGER shows in dance and film different perspectives on male physicality and is in the fluid zone between what man you are and what man you want to be. For example, zooms STRANGER in and out with the only filter being our largest organ, the skin. The skin that breathes, makes contact and is the closest connection between self and other.
From one male body, Karel Tuytschaever explores in STRANGER different conceptions of the man, the different types of bodies we have to shape with our one body.
As a man today, Karel notes how other (growing up) men are finding it harder to relate to increasingly diverse male images. Who or what do you relate to? This uncertainty makes you vulnerable. Seeking or resisting form(s) for your manhood not only has a major impact on your social role, but also on your relationship with your own body, your physicality.
We all have an intimate, private body and a public body. A young generation today, parallel to discovering those bodies, must also construct, nurture and maintain a third body, a digital body on social media.