Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen

Six Portraits

By Simon Bus

With the amount that came with winning the Innovation Award of The Dutch Dance Days in 2022, Simon Bus developed Six Portraits, a two-day event at the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht during Dutch Dance Days 2023.

With Six Portraits Simon brought together five makers from his social media network: an international group of kindred spirits with whom he shares a love of multidisciplinary work. Until then, they had pretty much only been in touch digitally. For two days, they set up their own workshop in the rooms of the Bonnefantenmuseum. On the spot and under the eye of the public, they worked together, creating new, unusual and unexpected work at the interface of movement, image and sound.

"Bus is thus quite at home in the visual environment. He has been toying with the fact of portraits for some time, previously creating a solo for himself in that context (Man on orange floor) and for dancer Balder Hansen (Portrait, Balder on Blue Floor). Against the background of the Carrying of the Cross, a life-size painting by Jacob Jordaens, Bus now creates another solo, à l'improviste and without much embellishment, creating space for interaction with the dramatic images around him."

Theatre newspaper - read the whole review

Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen
Simon Bus - Six Portraits - photo Nas Hosen





Simon Bus


Simon Bus, Kou Yamamoto, Manuel Rodriguez, Seungwoo Park, NSDOS
production: DansBrabant



Courtesy of

PLAN Brabant, Dutch Dance Days