ON POINT is a balance act choreographed to perfection. Two men move through space. They teeter and waver, navigating along each other's shoulders and head, each other's arms and legs as handholds. What begins as a game develops into a joint challenge. Every step, every touch, every tiny movement must be exact. On Point.
ON POINT is funny and dangerous at the same time. Both performers, skilled in acrobatics, perform a wordless duel. Is it an absurd game, a tease or subcutaneous competition? Do they dare to trust each other or are they treading on thin ice in doing so? And who will last the longest?
For ON POINT Pete won the BNG Bank Dance Prize 2021. From the jury report: "Piet Van Dycke draws on both contemporary circus and dance in his work. This makes for playful performances that stand out through original use of space, objects and bodies. He tackles his themes through the interaction between movement and acrobatics, creating images that energetically fold into ever-changing folds."