Anthony van Gog - crowdkill - photo Bas de Brouwer
Anthony van Gog - crowdkill - photo Bas de Brouwer


By Anthony van Gog

Surrounded by four mega subwoofers, a figure seeks the limits of his physical ability. In an environment defined by an intense bass sound, combined with a soundscape of instrumental melodies, ambient noise and the live sounds of the body, all grip gradually falls away. The figure struggles, explores and surrenders.

crowdkill even more than a performance, is a physical experience for performer and audience. What happens when the body is overwhelmed by space and sound? What remains when the body finds no other point of recognition, other than just the body itself?





Anthony van Gog


Evangelos Biskas

Sound design

Boris de Klerk

Lighting design

Erik van de Wijdeven


PLAN Brabant / DansBrabant in co-production with Veem House for Performance

Courtesy of

Club Forge, The New Forest and Joel Thurman