Kristel van Issum - Catalog of Shadows II - still by Martin Kers
Kristel van Issum - Catalog of Shadows II - still by Martin Kers

#Catalog of Shadows II

By Kristel van Issum

For #Catalogue of Shadows II choreographer Kristel van Issum, filmmaker Martin Kers and composer Han Stubbe (known from DAAU) honed in on this new collection of seven cinematic portraits that literally and figuratively zooms in on distorted and kaleidoscopic identities. Performer Ulrika Kinn-Svensson switches between minute movement and grand gesture, between iconic and poetic.

This multimedia installation is a synthesis of spoken word, image, audio, video and composed music. It is a polyptych of continuous transformations, computer-controlled loops, samples, manipulations and improvised chance techniques. It shows the viewer a new composite universe of fragmented and grotesquely magnified, stereotypical female figures in constantly shifting facial expressions, postures and emotions with each visit.

#Catalogue of Shadows II refers in full to cult classics, (true) detectives and music videos, leaving you infinitely free to associate about these images of women and cordially inviting you to open your senses.

#Catalogue of Shadows II premiered at Theatre Festival Boulevard 2022 and was shown at Park, Tilburg in 2023.




concept / text / choreography / composition

Kristel van Issum

concept / image / composition

Martin Cherry

concept / composition / sound editing / composition

Han Stubbe



Made possible with financial support from

Kunstloc impulse funds, Research grant Flemish Government & Makersfonds Tilburg.

With special thanks to

Tilburg theatre and concert hall