Sabine Molenaar - Almost Alive - Photo: Luc Depreitere
Sabine Molenaar - Almost Alive - Photo: Luc Depreitere

Almost Alive

By Sabine Molenaar

'We are exposed to a barrage of information and impressions every day. But sometimes you would like to stop that relentless, pulsating stream of stimuli. If only for a moment: To catch your breath again and feel your own heartbeat again.'

'So you press the pause button and close your eyes and ears. Only to find out that images keep appearing on the inside of your eyelids too. While snatches of sounds and voices continue to echo in the hollows of your head.

Must you then go deeper, further away from reality to that dark place of gaping emptiness and silence? There where security and peace await, but at the same time disorientation and chaos lurk.'

At Almost Alive , her third solo, Sabine Molenaar questions what it takes to stay in control of your own life. And what the consequences are if you try to turn your back on the turbulence of everyday life and enter a time- and boundless world.



Concept, choreography & dance

Sabine Molenaar

Dramaturgical advice

Lena Meckler


Amber Vandenhoeck


Jochem Baelus


Sandman in association with Kosmonaut


Amber Vandenhoeck

Video & technology

Gertjan Biasino

Courtesy of

Mike van Alfen


Festival Cement & DansBrabant

With support from

PLAN Brabant, TAKT Dommelhof, BUDA, De Warande, Théâtre de Vanves

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