Simon Bus - photo Renate Beense
Simon Bus - photo Renate Beense

Simon Bus

Simon Bus (Hoensbroek, 1989) was already heavily impressed by the power moves of Kujo the Crazy Water Buffalo when he was 12 years old. He was a member of the Limburg fusion crew Trashcan Heroes and was part of the (inter)national battle scene. In 2013, he graduated from the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts & Design (Video-Visual Communication). At the same time, he kept dancing. With his inquisitive eye and hyper-flexible body, Simon stretches ideas about breakdance. From 2021, Simon was PLAN creator, first under the aegis of Corpo Máquina and Parktheater, then at DansBrabant. Since 2024, Simon has been a core creator at DansBrabant.

The starting point for Simon's work is a fascination with the discomfort of everyday existence. The game between having control and yet losing it again is a recurring theme. His work is sharp, brutal and humorous. Simon turns dance forms inside out and upside down. Besides breakdance as the ultimate source of inspiration, Simon finds points of reference in Butoh and in the work of Albert Camus, Egon Schiele, Francis Bacon or David Lynch, for instance.

Simon is a bizarre, unusual dancer, with a movement language all his own, open and always looking to exchange with other creators and new working methods. DansBrabant, also not averse to pushing off beaten tracks with a bit of agility, feels enriched by the world of knowledge and interests Simon brings in.