Ghaliah Conroy
Ghaliah Conroy

Ghaliah Conroy

Ghaliah Conroy graduated from the dance and choreography course at Fontys in Tilburg. Originally, zee has a background in theatre as an actress and singer. Since graduating, she has been looking for how to bring these different loves together meaningfully.

In 2022 and 2023, Ghaliah danced in places such as HAMMAM, an immersive performance by Irish company ANU Productions, she starred in the show The Pull of the Stars at The Gate Theatre Dublin and was part of the film TWIG by Marian Quinn. In 2023, Ghaliah took the first steps towards her own work Sunken Works, together with Makershuis Tilburg and in residence at DansBrabant.

Under the heading Sunken Works Ghaliah is working on a series of works around the theme of the Human Zoo, the 'exotic' exhibitions that took place in Europe well into the 20th century, where people of colour were displayed behind a fence for public viewing. What effect does this history have on black women today?

Ghaliah enjoys working interdisciplinary. She has a fascination for images and likes to be inspired by photographers, videographers and visual artists. As a maker, she seeks her own theatrical language where body and image together tell the story.

The performance Sunken Works will premiere in February 2025.

For the Virtual Residencies of the Dutch Dance Days in October 2024, Ghaliah makes Sunken Works / Don't BITE, A cinematic exploration about looking and being looked at. How do you relate to a gaze that reduces you to a stereotype? And how do you reclaim your autonomy? Ghaliah is collaborating with audiovisual artist CJ Roxas for this research.