Evangelos Biskas
Evangelos Biskas

Evangelos Biskas

DansBrabant has a long history with Evangelos Biskas. Right after graduating from the Fontys dance academy in 2016, we already got to know Evangelos as a remarkable performer. As a dancer, he stood out with an idiosyncratic movement vocabulary; as a creator, he brought a world to the floor that amazed and troubled.

After Evangelos, with support from DansBrabant and others, completed his graduation work Eternal Chilling developed into an adult performance and we were subsequently involved in the creation of In Search of a Title, DansBrabant nominated Evangelos as PLAN creator. Under DansBrabant's mentorship, he was able to develop his artistic voice for four years and made his solo In Between

Evangelos is a creator with an open mind and broad interests. His participation in the Dutch Dance Days' Virtual Residency and research into the theatrical and choreographic possibilities of VR (where eventually Immortal Game from it - a miraculous mash of virtual reality and free improvisation) is a great example.