Elisabeht Borgermans - photo renate beense
Elisabeht Borgermans - photo renate beense

Elisabeth Borgermans

Elisabeth Borgermans (Maastricht, 1982) studied Language and Literature at KULeuven. She then started her dance studies at the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg and completed them at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp. In Elisabeth's work, the body is anything but silent. Literature, philosophy, music, cinema are her points of departure.

The collaboration between DansBrabant and Elisabeth Borgermans started in 2016 with her solo To paint is to Love again. This was followed by the research project A Dance Allegory in 2019 and Zasür in 2021. During this period, Elizabeth focused mainly on art-historical perspectives, pop music, black metal, 19th-century poetry and German Romanticism.

In 2023, she decided to focus on politically engaged cinema for her research called Douleur et Rébellion. She delved into the work of Fassbinder, Passolini, Schroeter. Three post-war gay filmmakers who each aimed to activate political awareness and identity consciousness with their own bright aesthetics and editing techniques. In doing so, Elizabeth explored how to make dance political.

The rücksichtlosheit with which Elisabeth tackles a plan, hits the floor, engages with you, is enviable and inspiring. Elisabeth knows how to attack word, drift, head, body in one straight line - and hit it hard.

In 2020, Elizabeth founded Baike vzw. Through Baike vzw, she develops her productions and financial structure.