Alesya Dobysh - photo Renate Beense

Alesya Dobysh

If you ask Alesya "why do you create, why do you dance?", the answer is "Because that's who I am". Alesya is dance, breathes dance, thinks dance.

From 2024, Alesya will be attached to DansBrabant as PLANmaker. For the next three years, she will work on the further development of her experimental project Motus Sonus, which she set up with composer Max Frimout. Motus Sonus engages in the interplay between movement, sound and architecture.

During her PLAN period, Alesya examines her role as a curator and explores other ways of making dance. Here, sound, use of space, interdisciplinary collaboration and a different, active role of the audience are the keys. She challenges known (genre) frameworks, offering other people's experiments a platform. Alesya seeks collaboration with diverse locations and as yet unknown dance communities in the Netherlands and abroad. Her PLAN period concludes with a major Motus Sonus Festival in their own city.

Alesya comes from the (Russian) street and club scene, where she developed a love for house dance - a club style emphasising the combination of articulated footwork and heavy flow. She won awards at international battle events such as Juste Debout (Paris) and Summer Dance Forever (Amsterdam). Alesya's work exists by the grace of the here and now. She knows how to link improvisation to thoughtful phrases. With her choreographies, she constantly tries to reinvent herself. By turning the movement language familiar to her inside out and pulling it apart, she tries to arrive at an abstract core, where rhythm, pulsation, silence and sound of the body predominate.

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