From 2024, Alesya will be attached to DansBrabant as PLANmaker. For the next three years, she will work on the further development of her experimental project Motus Sonus, an interplay between movement, sound and architecture.

Motus Sonus starts on a 2×2-metre wooden platform, with transmitting microphones directly connected to sound artist Max Frimout's modular synthesisers. Alesya's movements on this platform form the input for Max's live composition. In turn, his sound influences Alesya's choreography.

Besides the interaction between this platform and sound, the space and its ever-changing acoustics also play a role. Alesya invites different dancers, makers and sound artists for each Motus Sonus, with whom she shapes the edition. This makes every Motus Sonus different. Collaborations with diverse venues and with local dance communities are often important starting points.

As choreographer and initiator, Alesya combines the roles of dancer, choreographer and curator. In 2023, editions have already appeared in De Fabriek in Eindhoven, The Grey Space in the Middle in The Hague, art gallery The Windmill in Seoul (South Korea)and at De Pont Museum in Tilburg, among others.

Alesya comes from the (Russian) street and club scene, where she developed a love for house dance - a club style emphasising the combination of articulated footwork and heavy flow. She won awards at international battle events such as Juste Debout (Paris) and Summer Dance Forever (Amsterdam). Alesya's work exists by the grace of the here and now. She knows how to link improvisation to thoughtful phrases.



Has already premiered


By arrangement. Concerns location performance suitable for indoor locations (e.g. galleries, tents, museums, festivals), always tailor-made in line with the surroundings.


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Stephan Bikker: I +31 (0)6-50849436